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Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Stories that shape us

Why don’t we read books anymore? Is it because our span of attention is getting thinner and thinner? Is it because there are no more good writers in the world or did we get bored of the good ones that passed? Maybe, but it’s just an hypothesis based on no scientific data, we got scared […]

Leggi di più… from Stories that shape us

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Ted Chiang

What’s expected of us

Ted Chiang has been writing compelling, complicated, sometimes twisted novels since he was in high school, and you may know him if you ever saw Villeneuve’s movie Arrival, which is based on his novel Stories Of Your Life. Each one of his short stories leaves us with more questions than answers, and that’s because his […]

Leggi di più… from What’s expected of us

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Maya Deren


If you’re a filmmaker, what subject could be more interesting than… your cats? This is not just an amateur movie about cats, it can be read as a statement. Avant-garde filmmaker Maya Deren made art out of images by following amateurism, as a practice of invention free from the laws of profit, and the possibility […]

Leggi di più… from THE PRIVATE LIFE OF A CAT

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McKenzie Wark

Hacking the System

Do you ever feel like everything you own — your beliefs, your personality, your taste, your sexual orientation and so on — could be capitalized into brand-awareness campaigns? In today’s world, there’s merely any distinction between cultural products and marketing strategies. Nothing is free anymore, neither are we. We’re all data, and we’re all on […]

Leggi di più… from Hacking the System

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Anna Tsing

The Mushroom at the End of the World

All the revolutions in the world started with a de-centralization. With Galileo we discovered we are not the center of the universe, with Freud we discovered we are not even the center of our own selves. Now, we are discovering the limits of the idea of progress, as the global crisis is putting us in […]

Leggi di più… from The Mushroom at the End of the World