By Tremens’ Fingertip
In this climatic extract, Cavaliere sets in motion two parallel landscapes. The former is a path in the wild, narrated through its dynamic lines from the main character’s ectic point of view; the latter takes place on the surface of its own skin, a complex epiphany decrypted by Tremens’ curiosity. This is a recurring trope in Cavaliere’s prose, a more-than-magical realism that implodes with no time for explanation, and must be engaged first and foremost with our senses, as its protagonists do.
Si avvicinarono a quello che poteva essere un semi arco, una stradina che su su si apriva e tortuosamente si divideva prima in due braccia e poi in tre per poi fermarsi unirsi e dividersi ancora. Ai bordi cumuli di terreni al cui apice si collezionavano polveri di colorazioni auree. Fibre e sfaccettature dagli angoli piatti, rifrangenti e minuscoli. La stradina continuava sul ciglio le foglie prendevano ad alzarsi avvicinandosi al passo, e ritraendosi.
They approached what might have been a semi-arc, a small road that up up opened and tortuously divided first into two arms and then into three and then stopped, to merge and divide again. At its edges heaps of soils at whose apex were collecting dusts of golden colorations. Fibers and facets with flat angles, refracting and tiny. The little road continued on the verge, the leaves taking to rise approaching the pass, then withdrawing.
Non resisto più Tremens! C’è qualcosa che non va! Che cosa ti pare?
Lei aleggiava seguendo un po’ il vento, un po’ lo scorrere della discesa.
Fammi vedere il tuo collo, togli la maglia!
I can’t stand it anymore Tremens! Something is wrong! What do you think?
She hovered following partially the wind, partially the flow of the descent.
Let me see your neck, take off your shirt!
Agitato, presi a torcere le braccia in alto, su con i gomiti, per far scivolare le maniche strette, che si portano dietro i capelli a onda, poi fermo. Lei si mise a guardare questo circuito di irritazione epidermico che si estendeva e irradiava fino ai fianchi, restando sempre laterale alla sagoma del corpo.
Shaken, I twisted my arms overhead, up with my elbows, to slide the tight sleeves, carrying the hair behind in a wave, then still. She stared at this circuit of epidermal irritation that extended and radiated to the hips, always remaining to the side of the figure of the body.
Tremens prese a seguirne le vie con l’indice e l’impronta sprofondava nel corpo con un fondale cromato, un solco digitale dalle stratificazioni finissime.
Tremens began to trace its paths with her index finger, and the impression sank into the body with a chromed backdrop, a digital fissure with the thinnest of layers.
Filigrane soleggiate l’una sull’altra, strettissime per non farne uscire il raggio. Non faceva male e così Tremens continuò a seguire il suo indice infilandosi nel cuore, nel duodeno… Creando percorsi e acquitrini dalle muffe fuse.
Stilli di microsfere a fontana.
Sunlit watermarks one on top of the other, very narrow to keep the ray from leaving. It didn’t hurt, so Tremens continued to chase her index finger poking into the heart, into the duodenum…. Creating pathways and marshes from the molten molds.
Fountain-like stills made of microspheres.
Text and Voice by Francesco Cavaliere
Francesco Cavaliere is a visual artist, writer and sound producer born in Tuscany, Italy, in 1980. He lives and works between Berlin and Turin. He writes sound stories and music based on particles of sound, noise and language, often integrated with installation and scenographic elements or live performance.
Video by Ruben Spini